Monthly Archives: December 2010

Too much of a great thing?

I am not complaining! Tech toys are amazing. My husband surprised me this Christmas with an iPad. I am wondering why i need one at all, but am simultaneously thrilled to have it. I can do most of my work from my blackberry storm 2. I can have most every form of communication known to man through the bb… Sans sex, beerby and face to face communication. But that is debateable!

I am typing this blog post from the ipad, but I can do that from the phone as well… So why? Is it just what all the cool kids are doing? Is it to keep me better organized? Is it to allow me to catch up on my reading or netflix subcription? I guess I am just here at the doorway to another world, and I am not shy at all. I’m running with eyes closed into it. Too much of a great thing be damned.

Notes to self:
I think this thing needs a pet name.
I better schedule some non-tech time with my husband or he will regret this gift.
I better start playing words with friends.
I need to figure how to turn this sucker off.
I have to remember to eat.
I have to remember that I am building a second restaurant!

Send Halp! Please use my comments to suggest your favorite uses for the iPad.

Settling for silver…

I haven’t had a lot of time to post, and a lot of what I have wanted to say, I cannot post anyway.  As most of you know, I am working diligently on our second restaurant and have had many, many setbacks that will never be publicly discussed.  What I can say, is that I promise to exceed your expectations with Bocktown Monaca once it does open, and it WILL open.

Settling for silver…

Who would think that lowering expectations is a good thing?

With the holidays fast approaching, I find that everyones’ emotions are running a little closer to the surface. A customer might be impatient, a co-worker may be overwhelmed, or a friend my seem too busy for a conversation.  I am making my own personal extra effort to just slow it all down, accept what is going on around me with grace, and just enjoy the moment. In doing so I am lowering my expectations, and encouraging those around me to do the same.

With the advent of social media and hyper-connectivity, we are all moving faster mentally and physically. We are spending our time updating this or that, buying a new gadget, tagging photos and well… blogging!  Don’t get me wrong, I love the new forums and all of the crazy new badges, applications, and the tremendous ease of communication.  What I think I don’t like, is the lack of communication that also exists in this same arena.  I often see the stabs and the jabs, and I even partake once in a while… (see my #pickonbobby posts.)  One thing I won’t do is bash someone or a business, online.  It has been done to me personally (that is a whole other post that I am trying to get the courage to write,) and I have seen it done to plenty of businesses, both small and large.

I will suggest to anyone who will listen: Don’t go there unless you have exhausted every other means of communication with the person or business first.   If you don’t like a place, how about this for an idea? Quit going there. If you don’t like a person or their opinion, I have news for you: You aren’t going to change them, ever! If you ‘have it in’ for someone or someplace, keep in mind that many, many other people actually depend on that person or business, even love or derive their income from them. Why don’t we all take a step back and quit demanding our own ideas of perfection be carried out by random strangers? How about enjoy the creativity, opinions and imperfections of those around you that actually contribute to making this world interesting?

One of my best friends in the entire world, pegged me this year, by saying, “Chris, you are one of those people who always has to have gold; you never settle for silver.”  And in my heart, I knew he was right the minute he said it. I also accept that this is my fatal flaw. I am simultaneously proud and embarrassed by this fact. Hell, Bocktown wouldn’t exist without such high standards, but then again, Bocktown 2 would have been open two summers ago if I could accept silver. I also think that I have been this person in the above paragraph who has expected and even demanded that someone or something change just to suit me.  Thank the beer gods, I grew up and out of that phase!

I do understand the concept of ‘not accepting mediocrity.’ I definitely have lived that mantra. I have always been that someone who has demanded better service, selection and more attention to detail.  I expect an awful lot from the people around me.  I just will never ever get the idea of hurting people, publicly humiliating them, or destroying a reputation over one’s own higher standards. I am learning to settle for silver now and again, and I hope that some of you will too.

I hope you each have or find a friend that can help you in the way that mine did for me this year. I hope that a silver filled holiday season is in your cards and that you have the ability to enjoy and accept it!  — Chris